ICT Development Bulgaria
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  Second VET4e-i meeting focuses on shaping the profile of a new European profession – the e-facilitator
Representatives of ICT Bulgaria took part in the second project seminar within the project “European VET solution for eInclusion facilitators” /VET4e-i/, which took place on 29-30 April 2010 in Paris, France.

Second VET4e-i meeting focuses on shaping the profile of a new European profession – the e-facilitator The agenda of the seminar included a significant space for the project partners to present and discuss the findings of their national context analyses – comprehensive research studies, based on data from representative national samples. These dwell on the basic trends in the formation of eInclusion Facilitators (e-Facilitators), categorized as professionals that stimulate and facilitate the access of citizens to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) working at different public points of access.

Data and conclusions from 4 European countries – Bulgaria, Italy, France and Spain – were juxtaposed and correlated. The presented figures concerned the occupation and education status, working experience and training needs that characterize the existing professional profiles in the target countries relating to the career path of the eInclusion Facilitator, the development of which is the major goal of the project.

Respectively, a lot of effort during the seminar has been put in creating a tentative outline of the European eInclusion Facilitator professional profile – title, applicable to national contexts, basic characteristics and functions, desired levels of experience and skills, as well as basic training modules that must be included in the e-Facilitator training agenda and be covered by any individual, desiring to follow the new career path.

The agenda of the seminar also included an opportunity for the participants to get acquainted with a concrete example of the French experience in e-facilitation – the work of the Cyber- base centers in France, presented by Mr. François Meynier, in charge of the ICT activities of the centres, as well as the French certification system, presented by Renaud Eppstein, member of the National Commission for Professional Certification (CNCP) of France.

A significant focus of the meeting was also put on identifying the need, conditions and points of particular importance that determine the process of official recognition of the new career path in the different project countries.

Place Paris, France

Date from 29 April 2010 to 30 April 2010
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Second VET4e-i meeting focuses on shaping the profile of a new European profession – the e-facilitator
Place Paris, France
Date from 29 April 2010 to 30 April 2010
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